All Articles (Page 8)

NYVC Welcomes Kacey Velazquez! Cover

NYVC Welcomes Kacey Velazquez!

Joining the ranks of New York Vocal Coaching will be Kacey Velazquez, our new Associate Vocal Instructor. Get to know about Kacey and her love of music below!

Singing Through a Straw: Does it work?  Cover

Singing Through a Straw: Does it work?

It's true - a straw can be your greatest singing tool yet!

Fitness: Habits and Tips to Help you Sing your Best Cover

Fitness: Habits and Tips to Help you Sing your Best

We chat with New York Vocal Coaching Senior Associate Andy King about fitness for singers.

Diet: Habits and Tips to Help you Sing your Best Cover

Diet: Habits and Tips to Help you Sing your Best

We chat with New York Vocal Coaching Senior Associate Julie Reumert about the singer's diet.

NYVC Presents "Operation Practical: Make Your Pedagogy Matter" Cover

NYVC Presents "Operation Practical: Make Your Pedagogy Matter"

The purpose behind “Operation Practical” is for the vocal teacher to then “take those ideas and break them down to be more relatable to the average singer.”

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Cover

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

May the road rise to meet you...

Tending The Garden Cover

Tending The Garden

I don’t have time to practice, and I don’t want to bother my neighbors.

Why Pitch Matching Is Hard Cover

Why Pitch Matching Is Hard

There is a difference between simple and easy. Something simple can be explained in a few words; something easy can be executed with minimal effort. There are plenty of simple things that are not at all easy. Take running a marathon: you can explain the task in three words - run 26.2 miles - but the execution requires months or years of training.

Auditioning 101: What Are They Looking For? Cover

Auditioning 101: What Are They Looking For?

I already know what you are thinking. The wheels are spinning and the corners of your mouth are creeping into a smile.

Efficiency in Singing Cover

Efficiency in Singing

As singers we often set goals pertaining to our vocal technique...